Saint Nick's Travel Tips
{Editor's Note: Today marks our last post of 2012. Over the holidays we're taking a break in our flight schedule to put down the pen, stay put (for 10 days at least!) and savor the reason for the season. In a recent communique from air traffic control I was told we could resume our regular route Monday, January 7th. Until then, I'll update Trip Styler's Instagram and Editor's Diary intermittently. See you in the New Year, and from all of us on the Trip Styler crew, happy holidays wherever your journey takes you.}
Santa's the master traveler. A frequent flier, logistics expert and packing whisperer wrapped in one sugar plump package, we can learn a lot about travel from the jolly jetsetter:
1/ Keep calm and carry on. Santa never gets his knickers in a knot about delays or weather setbacks, and he has the world's CRAZIEST travel schedule.
2/ Travel in Technicolor. You don't see Father Christmas toting a boring black suitcase from the North to South Pole {and back}. Instead, his packages are clad in bows and ribbons. Trip Styler Tip :: always identify your suitcase---checked or carry-on---with some sort of color to separate it from the other gazillion monotone bags.
3/ Stay nourished. Père Noël loves him a fancy feast and doesn't let his transcontinental trot interfere with eating well at every stop. Though his sweet tooth can get him into a little trouble over the holidays, I'm sure he trades some of his cookies for Rudolf's celery sticks to stay healthy. Point is: treats may tempt us over the holidays, but remember to balance them with healthy fare.
4/ Know before you go. Airports around the world have different regulations as far as how many carry-ons you can tote, and what's permitted on the plane. Confusing, I know. Check the regulations where you're flying so your extra bag or prized tweezers aren't snatched by security. Think of it this way: Mr. Clause has to do his due diligence too, he doesn't give a child in Aruba a snowsuit and a child in Alaska a wakeboard...
5/ Always be prepared. Weather can get iffy in the winter---and Santa has to fly in an open-air sleigh. Add in volumes of holiday travelers and you've got the perfect storm {pun intended}. Plan ahead: get the right travel insurance coverage, prepare an airport delay kit, AND dress right for the airport---we're talking layers upon layers of style essentials.
{For more of Santa's travel tips, see the full article I wrote in Fodor's.}
Ho Ho Ho, Meeeeeeeeee-rry Christmas. xoxo, The Trip Styler Flight Crew
[graphic by @tripstyler with a little help from clipart]