TGIT {& Exciting TS Changes}
[trip style = weekend getaway]
TGIT - Thank God It's Thursday. Thursday is the new Friday---at least it is with Canada Day, eh! Looking ahead, there are three major summer long weekends in Canada starting tomorrow: Friday, July 1st {Canada Day}, Monday, August 1st {BC Day or equivalent} and Monday, September 5th {Labour Day}. That's one extra day off per month!
Planning All this talk of long weekends made me recall an e-chat I had recently with a lovely gal I met from the UK while traveling in Australia. The topic of summer came up, and I was impressed by two trip style = {extended} weekend getaway trips she's taking in exotic waterfront locales in Europe. Knowing summer can get crazy busy, she had pre-planned two trips she wanted to take, and I applauded her for this.
Summer always creeps up on us, and this year that was the case for me. Talking travel with her reminded me how: a} unless you're intentional about pre-planning, all your weekends can get swallowed up with projects or the like, b} summer accommodations book fast, and c} pre-planning ensures you do what you want, when you want.
In a few weeks I'm going to the interior of BC to trip style = wine tour & spa, and I have nothing booked. {My bad!} Though I'm sure something will work out, I have to get on it. There's a time for spontaneity, but in the two to three months that actually cater to summer travel, being laissez faire about travel planning isn't your best bet---unless you're camping in the bush {ie. not at a campground} or sleeping in your car at a US Walmart.
If you still need some summer trip styling inspiration, check out these ideas: Luxury Budget Conscious {& fabulous} The Add-On
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PS - Over the next few months we are making some exciting changes to Trip Styler. Here's a teaser:
Summer Love This summer we're trying something new, knowing you're likely to slip away a little early for the weekend on Fridays. We're dishing up our daily trip style tips Monday - Thursday, except Fashion Friday, because "Wardrobe Wednesday" just doesn't have the same panache...
Design One day in the next few weeks you'll visit Trip Styler and notice something different. After a year and a half of dishing daily trip style tips, we've learned a lot more about our audience, so we're hard at work on a new website design to reflect your preferences and Trip Styler's growth!
Savvy Traveler
In July we're launching "The Savvy Travler", a once-monthly interview with a travel expert or celebrity. We ask and they tell: fave trip styles, gadgets and tips. Expect experts in all different areas of travel from pilots to pirates. Just kidding about pirates, but if I could get an interview with Johnny Depp Jack Sparrow, that would be awrrr-some.
Stay tuned for a full list of updates when Trip Styler is re-launched in the coming weeks. Until then, expect all the same trip styling tips for your travel lifestyle!
Safe travels this long weekend, Trish
[Image by @tripstyler of pictures sourced from the web]