
[trip style = urban + weekend getaway]

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Last weekend when I was in Seattle with some of the Trip Styler gals, we were all reminded of how much we love the Emerald City, and said {almost in harmony} "why don't we come here more often?" We'll blame it on the flagship Nordstrom's shoe department, which can wreak havoc on even the healthiest of bank accounts!

Here are some shots of Seattle's iconic and everyday goings on, representing a fraction of why we love our 'sister city' below the 49th!

{Shot on a morning run around Lake Union.}

{Springtime-meets-graffiti on the base of the Freemont Bridge.}

{Fish tossing at Pike Place Market.}

{The fish being tossed.}

{There must have been between 75 and 100 meters of tulip vendors at the Market!}

{Dancing windsocks in Post Alley.}

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[photos by @tripstyler]