Suit Up :: 17 Tips For Stylish Travel — Trip Styler

Suit Up :: 17 Tips For Stylish Travel


J.Crew has joined forces with filmmaker/cool guy Casey Niestat to promote its newest suit, the Ludlow Traveler, in a three-minute video called Travel With Style. The fast-paced film documents Niestat and the suit as they globetrot 12,000 miles via airplane, skateboard, motorcycle, boat, snowboard and surfboard. All of this while maintaining the suit's wrinkle-free appearance and while offering 17 tips for traveling in style.  

This film is right up our ... aisle.

Like all of us at Trip Styler, frequent flier Neistat believes that we should look our best when we fly. "Air travel is stressful and uncomfortable," he told Fast Company. "A lot of folks think 'Why not be comfy? I'm going to wear sweats and Uggs,' and those people aren't wrong, they just don't hold dignity above comfort. I do."

Here are a handful of our favorite tips from the film:

  • Rest {It's the key to healthy travel}
  • Change {Transition to a more comfortable outfit in flight, and freshen up before landing}
  • Start Early {Don't waste an opportunity; you're only in a moment once}
  • Make Friends {Talk to locals and immerse yourself in their culture}
  • Wear a Suit {Look your best; you never know when you'll be invited to a soirée}

We don't have to dress to the nines when we fly, but there's wisdom in the words of Niestat. Dress for the occasion. Hold dignity above comfort. Bring skis.

*If you haven't seen his other globetrotting projects, check out Casey's films for Nike, Mercedes and 20th Century Fox. They'll make you want to take off without a plan.

[photo via j.crew]