Baby Styler's First Trip — Trip Styler

Baby Styler's First Trip


[trip style = urban + sun + food + wine]

Early in December 2014, once Baby Styler was 7 weeks old, he felt ready for a vacation. So did his parents. He pined for palm trees. So did his parents. He wanted to trade his sleeper for speedos. Well, you get the picture.

We chose a trip style = urban + sun trek to LA and Palm Springs as our first foray into traveling with a tyke, a} because it's in the same time zone as home, and b}, the flight is only two hours, so if things went South, we wouldn't be stuck in a capsule at 35,000ft for too long. 

All in all, our California-cation was a wild success involving pool time, dinners out, and rooftop lounges; that is, unless you count the time Baby Styler spat up all over my ladyparts {I was wearing light grey jeans} right before we stepped into one of our favorite restaurants. Because it looked like I'd peed myself, I got miffed in the moment {read: Felt sorry for myself and teared up a tad given the whole morning was a bit of a gong show}. But, in a fight or flight response, I pulled myself together AND my shirt over my jeans, and ducked into the bathroom to clean the whole thing up. Six minutes later I was sipping a coffee, sans tears, at my table.

An hour later, I sought retail therapy at the gorgeous Clare V. tote shop in Silver Lake {pictured in my recent LA, Seriously post}. Now every time I look at my newly purchased purse, I'm reminded to take everything in stride and make the best of every situation {no matter how embarrassing it might be}... When in doubt, buy a tote.

Read about the highs, lows and hilarity of new parents, aka: the Trip Styler crew, traveling with a tot, in my article for the Expedia Viewfinder Travel Blog. For more backstory, here are all the places we took Baby Styler in LA. And, since I'm obsessed with travel photos {and Baby Styler}, I give you:  

Waiting for the airport-bound train. We decided to bring carry-ons, which ended up being a GREAT decision. 

Waiting for the airport-bound train. We decided to bring carry-ons, which ended up being a GREAT decision. 

On the plane. Once we'd reached our cruising altitude and he hadn't made a peep, my stopped beating at the decibel of a pounding drum in a marching band. 

On the plane. Once we'd reached our cruising altitude and he hadn't made a peep, my stopped beating at the decibel of a pounding drum in a marching band. 

Walking to breakfast from our hotel in Downtown LA.

Walking to breakfast from our hotel in Downtown LA.

At Grand Central Market in Downtown LA. 

At Grand Central Market in Downtown LA. 

Lunching at Bottega Louis in Downtown LA.

Lunching at Bottega Louis in Downtown LA.

Pit stop for a diaper change in a McDonald's parking lot enroute to Palm Springs from LA.

Pit stop for a diaper change in a McDonald's parking lot enroute to Palm Springs from LA.

Sunglasses for the entire Trip Styler crew.

Sunglasses for the entire Trip Styler crew.

Sunglasses and diapers {all Baby Styler needed in Palm Desert}. 

Sunglasses and diapers {all Baby Styler needed in Palm Desert}. 

Heading back to our hotel after a tipple at one of our all-time chart-topping stays, the Parker Palm Springs.

Heading back to our hotel after a tipple at one of our all-time chart-topping stays, the Parker Palm Springs.

Crib life at the Ace Hotel & Swim Club in Palm Springs.

Crib life at the Ace Hotel & Swim Club in Palm Springs.

We booked a room with an attached, enclosed patio, which allowed us to sip bevvies by our outdoor fire once Baby Styler went to bed. 

We booked a room with an attached, enclosed patio, which allowed us to sip bevvies by our outdoor fire once Baby Styler went to bed. 

Le Mr. and le Baby Styler.

Le Mr. and le Baby Styler.

We had to. The Aaron Delacruz-designed wall was too cool.

We had to. The Aaron Delacruz-designed wall was too cool.

We color coordinated.

We color coordinated.

I think everyone who stays at the Ace takes some variation of this photo...

I think everyone who stays at the Ace takes some variation of this photo...



Hot tubbing with le bébé in tow.

Hot tubbing with le bébé in tow.

So, we went a little nuts with fam photos...

So, we went a little nuts with fam photos...

Bye bye Palm Springs. Until next time.

Bye bye Palm Springs. Until next time.

[photos by @tripstyler]