Blog — Trip Styler

Road Trip :: Tennessee To Texas

road trip from Tennessee to texas[trip style = sightseeing + urban]

The USA's South has been calling my name for an eternity, so when I got the chance to strum my own Southern tune, I jumped onto the y'all express. Destination: Tennessee and Texas! My road trip started in Nashville last Wednesday, took me into Memphis on the weekend, on a 10-hour fried food-filled journey to Austin {where I am right now}, and will wrap in San Antonio on Wednesday. More on each destination in the coming weeks, but for now here's a few photos. Jump on the bandwagon via TS's Instagram {no promises, but I'm *hoping* to photograph fried pie}.

TS Southern road trip

[photos by @tripstyler]

Spotlight :: Desert Decadence in Dubai

[trip style = luxury + beach + urban +sightseeing]

A few months ago I went to Dubai for a four-day, jetset journey into the Middle Eastern desert {see deets RE my direct Emirates flight from Seattle here}. Aside from sharing 30 photos in December, I never wrote much about the flashy City-State on TS, struggling to find the words to describe my experience and the mind-boggling town that turns sand into palms-shaped islands and concrete into cloud-skimming skyscrapers. Note: the below photo is taken from the world's tallest building on floor 124, looking up.

Dubai turns impossible into nothing---a mere petite feat that can be easily surmounted, like a small hill. Except that hill is Mt. Everest AND the odds of reaching the top unscathed are fraught with an army of skilled workers {a whole topic in and of itself}, and worldwide recognition. Looking at Dubai projects---an indoor ski hill, the world's largest mall, the world's only seven-star hotel and the world's tallest building---it's like the Emirate empire has conquered Everest 100+ times, on a Wednesday morning. And then went out for lunch.

The oil-rich town is the greatest destination marketing story of our time. The projects are big, blingy and boisterous; international experts are brought in to execute them, and the result is something that's landed on most globetrotters'  bucket lists. Fueled by curiosity and a desire for the exotic, travelers are seeking Dubai's decadent desert in droves.

Here's a starter kit to Dubai I wrote for Fodor's.

More Dubai
My Flight
My Hotel
The Spa
30 Photos

[photos by @tripstyler taken as a guest of emirates]

KinderHop :: Travel Gear For Your Pint-Sized Jetsetter

cute kids luggage options[trip style = any]

KinderHop is written by Trip Styler’s Seattle-based kid ‘n family writer, Keryn.

Yes parents, it’s true, your child will be able to carry their own bags one day. By the time my toddler was three he had his own backpack for toys and other must-haves he deemed necessary for our adventures. My rule is if you can’t carry it, you can’t bring it. This isn’t to say I don’t end up carrying that pint-size backpack more than he does, but he is learning early we all need to help out when it comes to travel. If I can make it easier by giving him a great bag he is excited to carry or roll around, it will make his travels that much more exciting, and my arms just a little lighter.

What makes a great kid pack? Stellar design, parent-approved functionality, and above all, durability and value for the cash. Here what's catching my eye right now:

1/ Skip Hop For the tiny toddler in your life these adorable animal-inspired backpacks are the perfect spot to stash a ton of toys and entertainment for your flight. Small hand luggage is also available and comes with a water holder on the side. Small backpacks or wheelie bag for kids makes things easier for mom or dad if little arms get tired or somebody falls asleep on the plane and you have to carry everything {and everyone!} out. Backpacks start at $20 usd, wheelie bags at $30 usd

2/ RoxyGirl Backpack Durable and just the right size for your punkrock preschooler and all her gear. Fit a few toys, a tablet and headphones in for them to carry all on their own. Parents of boys, have no fear. Once in a blue moon you can find a bag that is unisex and can work for your little rockstar mister---I did! Starts at $22 usd; prices vary depending on size.

3/ TrendyKid TravelKool Luggage A hardshell case that peaked my interest for kids who want their belongings ultra secure. Starts at $69.99 usd

4/ The Cuties and Pals Developed by a husband and wife team who took their little luggage idea to a big show: England's Dragon's Den TV show (similar to Shark Tank in the US). These cutie-patutie, animal-themed, polycarbonate products got rejected from the show, and then went on to be a RAGING success. Dragons have off days too... Suitcases start at $76 usd and can be found in North America on amazon, etc...

5/ Pottery Barn Kids Fairfax Navy Stripe Luggage Preppy and pulled together, this I'm-going-to-the-Hamptons-or-boating-type luggage can be personalized or left nameless. While it's not cheap, it IS water-resistant and has rubbery recessed wheels {a feature we love in suitcases}! Starts at $91 usd

More KinderHop Staying Sane While Traveling With Young Kids Exploring New Foods Abroad International Views On Family Travel Time Zones, Jet Lag & Kids Transitioning From Couple To Family Travel Back to School Seattle Shop ‘n Stay How To Keep Kids Occupied On A Plane Family Road Tripping Tips How To Pack Less With Kids In Tow

[photos of products sourced online]

Healthy On The Road :: Jari Love's Beach Body Tips

summer slimdown tips with jari love[trip style = any] {Editor's Note: Leah, our Healthy On The Road warrior, is on vacay right now, so I'm excited to give the floor over to Jari Love, a world-renowned personal fitness trainer.}

Recently I was in the Canadian Rockies on a fitness trip---literally, each day was packed tighter than Sly Stallone's biceps with activities like barre fitness, TRX and cross-country skiing---and one of my prime moments was meeting and working out with Jari Love. Jari has a six-pack that verges on eight-pack territory. Her arms are perfectly chiselled like a Roman statue. Most importantly, she's really lovely with finesse, smarts, passion and a physique that screams "workout wonderwoman." Oprah Magazine listed her Get RIPPED! workout as one of her favorite things; um, amazing.

Just after she whipped me into shape, I asked her to share a few hard truth tips for getting closer to achieving a shipshape bod. Knowing summer is coming, I wanted to share the Jari Love around:

When people ask me about diet, I always recommend the same principles that I follow: 1/ Stick to three meals and two snacks per day. The meals are around 300 calories and the snacks are between 200-250.

2/ When preparing my meals and snacks, I opt for fruits and starches that are low-glycemic, and lean proteins.

3/ When it comes to protein, I recommend things like lean meats, egg whites, fish and whey protein powder.

4/ For fruit, one cup of raspberries is a great option because that gives you eight grams of fibre right there.

5/ I try to get my fibre intake up to 35 grams per day because it helps me feel full and satiated. Another great way to get some extra fibre is adding psyllium husk and ground flaxseed to your cereal or protein shake.

6/ Finally, I always load up my plate with fresh veggies and try to limit my carb intake after 5pm.

On Bathing Suit Motivators... 1/ Put your bathing suit in an area where you will see it all the time. I recommend writing down your goals and also getting a workout buddy who will help you stay motivated.

2/ Take a photo of yourself now and set dates to take photos of your progress. Being emotionally attached to your goals is key.

3/ Think about how you felt at a time that you were at your goal weight and post a picture of yourself at that time beside a current shot of yourself. Seeing this every day will really help you stay the course.

4/ Choosing a diet and exercise regime that you enjoy is critical. If you like it, you’ll follow it!

More Healthy On The Road Toned In Transit Every Day Is A New Day Eat In Technicolor The 15 Minute 54321 Workout {you can do anywhere!} Keeping Fit In Hotel Hallways The 20-min Exercise Itinerary Healthy DIY Plane Snacks Hotel Room Exercises {You can do in your underwear}

[photo via @jarilove]

Packing Tip :: First Aid Kit

DIY travel first aid kit - what you need[trip style = any]

I think my mom, Janet {who my sister and I call Juanita to add some spice to her name}, would approve this message. She's ALWAYS prepared. In this spirit...

Do you bring a first aid kit on every vacation? If not, YOU SHOULD, whether your trip style = weekending, beaching it or adventuring.

What prompted this case of clinical concern was a sunset ocean swim, cut short by my foot jabbing a piece of lava rock lurking below water. The cut wasn't a huge deal, but it happened at the beginning of my trip to Hawaii, so I had to make sure the mini-wound wouldn't get infected with sand or the like.

On past trips, I've toted a trusty medical kit, but I haven't been as diligent of late. Aside from a few key supplies like alcohol wipes and band-aids strewn throughout my bag---in nooks and crannies I always forget---they say you don't think about something until you need it. Truth!

Starting now, whether I'm headed to Vegas or Venice, I will bring a first aid kit---even on close-to-home overnighters.

Since I've been home for a few weeks, priority numero uno is to create a medi-kit for travel. Here's what I'm putting inside: 0/ Hand sanitizer 1/ Band-aids of all shapes and sizes 2/ Polysporin 3/ Wipes 4/ Flashlight {always keep one beside your hotel bed in case of emergency} 5/ Pills: gravol, antacids, and cold and flu medication (I learned this lesson the hard way in Kenya when I got sick and had to buy $25 imitation Tylenol cold and flu that didn't really work!)

Don't just take it from me, a non-medic; the Canadian Red Cross suggests you ALSO put the below items in your first aid kit: - Roller bandages and triangular bandages, which can be used to make an arm sling or hold dressings in place - Adhesive tape - Fibre supplements for constipation, laxatives and diarrhea medication - Eye patches - Sterile gauze pads in small and large squares to place over wounds - After-sun lotion - Antifungal skin cream - Disposable nonlatex gloves - Scissors, tweezers and safety pins (check destination's security regulations to determine if this is allowed) - Thermometer - Emergency blanket - Single-use instant ice packs that stay cold for 20 minutes after you squeeze them - Pen and small notebook

[photos sources online and assembled by @tripstyler]