casey neistat emirates — Blog — Trip Styler

casey neistat emirates

Uh, Travel WOW

travel wow moments

[trip style = luxury]

One reason I love having Trip Styler as my near and dear travelog is because I have the honor of detailing trips that are worth the journey AND bringing you along {an opp I don't take lightly}. Over my Trip Styling span, a few airlines, hotels, restaurants and experiences have stood out:

I started recalling my travel wow moments when I saw a video made by Casey Neistat, a "power" YouTuber with more than 4.7 million followers. He just flew Emirates' business class for the first time and documented the whole thing. His reel reminded me of everything I loved about my Emirates travel wow experiencemattress on the life-flat seat when you go to bed, Godiva chocolates at turndown, in-seat massage modulesand why I'm saving my Alaska Airlines points for a business class ticket with Emirates {an Alaska partner} to the Maldives.

Please enjoy his travel wow moment, and remember: If you ever save your airmiles or splurge on a special ticket, never {EVER} go to the airplane's bar in socks {like Casey}.