culinary stops from vancouver to seattle

Vancouver ---> Seattle :: Towns With Taste

towns with taste :: vancouver to seattle[trip style = weekend getaway + urban + wine tasting]

If you read Trip Styler on a regular basis {Thank You BTW}, you know we're fond of weekending in Bellevue, Seattle and Portland. Sadly, the cross-49th, 3-hour tour from Vancouver to Seattle is usually done as timed, precision journey between the two coastal cities. So focused on the destinations, there is no time left for the tasty towns along the way.

Last week I was asked to write an article for the travel section of The Daily Meal, a NY-based foodie publication, covering the culinary stops that would beckon drivers to abandon their B-line journey in lieu of a short break or lingering meal.

Nine stops at haute pastry shops, roadside coffee bars, hearty sandwich cafes and modern wineries make up just a few of the Towns With Taste {between Vancouver and Seattle}. Dig in!

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