daily trip style tips — Blog — Trip Styler

daily trip style tips

A Nouveau Trip Styler!

Earlier this summer we announced a few changes at Trip Styler, some of which we introduced in June, some of which were coming. That time has come and our back-to-school shopping included a new website!

At some point this week, you may have noticed Trip Styler looked a little different. Though we're still deeply in love with our old design {to the point of wanting to frame it for sentimental purposes}, we wanted to create something that enhanced your user experience, communicated our growth and provided more space to share important news at the top of the site! In addition to the nouveau aesthetics, we've also added new features.

New Features
  • TS Recommends - Behind every trip style is a travel tip and resource. Trip Styler Recommends was created to connect aspiring jetsetters with the best online tools, so trips can be booked quickly and efficiently. TS Recommends houses our fave resources organized by trip style and budget. Check back in a few weeks to see the list of recommendations grow even more. And while we're on the topic, we wanted to make sure you knew about the 50+ hotels we've reviewed here.
  • Press - Profiling our guest editor spread in NET-A-PORTER's mag and interview with Toursim Vancouver, check our all Trip Styler's press in one spot.
  • Pinterest - Have you heard of Pinterest? If not, it's an online pin board where you can create virtual photo boards of images you source from the web, other pin boards or snap with your smartphone/camera. We're a little obsessed, so check out our boards in progress and follow us. We pin everything from trip styles to cabin decor, so it's a mixed bag of goodies.
  • Trip Styles - We've distilled our 16 different Trip Styles by category for awhile, but we wanted to make sure you knew! Have an upcoming trip? Search by trip style or destination via our main navigation bar.
Coming Up
  • Fridays are back! - This summer we held back from publishing any content on Fridays since we knew you didn't want to read about travel, but actually take off early from work to travel! Starting next week Fridays are back and trip styled with an updo. The last Friday of every month will still be the ever-popular Fashion Friday, while every other Friday we'll feature a Trip Styler-worthy accommodations {hotels, resorts, camp/glamp sites or vacation rentals} so you can learn about all the fabulous places we read and write about every day! We're going to call it Roam+Board, get it?

Not Stopping Here We're always thinking of new ways to enhance Trip Styler, so expect more goodies over the next few months. Also, let us know if there's any other travel lifestyle topics you'd like us to cover and we'll do our best to incorporate them.

Finally, nothing can happen without a great team, so I'd like to thank Kate for designing the new site and Ben for programming it! I'd also be remiss not to mention Alvin, who has also done a huge amount of coding work for Trip Styler over the past year and a half!

Safe + happy travels this long weekend, Trish

Happy Birthday!

happy birthday trip stylerToday is Trip Styler's first birthday and, appropriately, I'm sitting in my room at the kitschy-cool Ace Hotel Portland {more about that later this week} remembering travel highlights of this past year and anticipating adventures to come.

Coming to be Unsure of where it would take me, this week last year, I started dabbling in online trip styling. Although I'd been dreaming and planning for awhile, starting Trip Styler could be likened to a first-time flyer: nervous on the runway but comfortable in the air. As time went on, it was confirmed, I was in love, so 6 months later---a little slow on the uptake I know---I shared the news to family and friends, and things grew from there. A new breed of amateur jetsetters were born, and Trip Styler thanks you!

What's Ahead Some exciting features, enhancements and destinations ahead:

  • Features :: Traveller gift guide, 2011 travel predictions, best travel apps of 2010, travel etiquette
  • Enhancements :: Slight website redesign so you can see and access information about your favorite categories and destinations more easily; ramping up travel treats {once-monthly hotel deals}; new monthly topics
  • Destinations :: December {Portland & Los Angeles}, 2011 {Australia, Big Island Hawaii, Tofino, Washington Wine Touring, etc...}

In addition to all the thank yous mentioned in my Canadian Thanksgiving post, I would also like to tip my hat to Leah, Lauren and Heather for your travel health, travel beauty and travel fashion contributions (find out more about these ladies on our about page).

Finally, let us know if there's anything new you'd like to see in 2011!

All the best, Trish and the gang

PS - We have grown a lot, but don't forget to tell your friends about Trip Styler, encourage them sign up for our daily trip style tips via email or RSS, join our Facebook group and/or follow us on Twitter.

[photo by Dryad + Sprite Photography]