Shop Talk :: What's Up With TS
A Trip Styler In-flight Service Announcement,
If you've been a faithful friend of TS since we first launched in December of 2009, you know it's rare that we'd take up a post {and most importantly, your time} to talk TS biz unless it's really important. This is one of those times.
As Trip Styler maintains your good graces and "beach read" status in your day-to-day life, we don't want to end up like most airlines: reducing your in-flight experience to a small package of weird crunchy bits and a single cup of water. We want to continue to be your fresh-out-of-the-hangar Boeing Dreamliner, transporting you to close-by and far-off lands, in style.
In order to be the Dreamliner in your life, our flight schedule will shift to Monday, Wednesday and Friday departures. No crunchy bits here, at TS we'll stock our cart with champagne, strawberries and the trip styled goodies you've come to expect as your in-flight nourishment and entertainment.
Air traffic control has promised clear skies. So join us, Pan Am-style, on the second leg of our adventure. Grab your aviators, it's always sunny at 37,000ft.
Cheers, Trish, Heather, Leah, Lauren, Nicole and Keryn
PS - I almost forgot to mention that I've started a Trip Styler Editor's Ledger on Tumblr {aka - my travel stream of consciousness: tidbits, inspiration, fashion, press mentions and articles from the other publications to which I contribute}.