twitter travel deals — Blog — Trip Styler

twitter travel deals

Getting the Best Travel Deals via Twitter

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Most savvy hotels and online travel agencies are now on twitter.  Are you?  If you're a saavy traveller who likes learning about offers, deals, promotions and contests, then get on the bandwagon and follow your fave companies on Twitter.  It'll be worth your while.

Travel tweeting has become so popular that travel providers are now doing twitter-only specials. Some of the best twitter travel promotions I've seen lately are from: @hawaiianfares promoting discounts @fairmontwhistlr promoting a "twinter twitter package" @applevacations promoting "Bermuda 50% off" @kayak $39+ (99 hours only) anniversary celebration

Yet Twitter isn't only about deals and offers, it's also about information.  Many airlines now post flight delays, humanitarian efforts, responses to travelers' questions, as well as tidbits of info. Yesterday @fairmonthotels informed its 7200 followers that US Presidents Obama, Bush, Carter, Clinton, Ford, Johnson, Kennedy, Reagan, Taft, Truman have all stayed at the Fairmont San Fran. Interesting.

How to Get the Best Travel Deals on Twitter

  • sign-up for a twitter account
  • follow your fave travel companies
    • easiest way:  find a travel company you like with a significant twitter presence and browse through their listings to decide who you want to follow
  • be flexible and ready to act
  • many deals are time-sensitive, so check your feed frequently
    • if you are now worried that this whole 'twitter thing' sounds like too much work, don't worry, being an active observer on twitter doesn't take more than 5 mins a day, scanning your feed in five minute increments throughout the day
  • for a more personal experience, interact with the hotel or tour company
    • when you sign-up for a twitter account, you don't have to tweet, but to gain a more in-depth rapport with your travel companies of choice, consider tweeting.  ex: if you've just flown to Australia with Virgin and had a great experience, tell them!

Some of my Favourite Travel Tweeters

PS - don't forget to follow @tripstyler too!