The famed, mid-February love-fest day that conjures the following reactions: 1-yay, 2-ew, 3-whatever, is approaching.
Regardless of your reaction, this Valentine's Day lands both on a weekend as well as during the Winter Olympics. So if you're not enjoying the weekend off or watching Nordic Combined, Alpine Skiing or Biathlon, here are a few options to spice-up your day:
Recommendations for Valentine's Reaction 1) Yay - hotels tend to jack-up prices on Valentine's weekend, so consider giving your honey a card noting an 'upcoming trip' you're cooking-up and book a weekend, week-long or spontaneous trip between feb 14 and spring break, or after March when sun and ski destination prices fall. - if you book something this coming weekend, many hotels are offering last-min deals via twitter, through their loyalty programs or online through programs like kayak private sale.
2) Ew - tune into CTV or NBC for complete Olympic coverage all day sans mention of V-day - turn off the TV, get your mind off the "hallmark holiday" and give yourself something to look forward to by planning your next trip! - since Valentines' is all about the heart, why not look into local or international volunteering opportunities
3) Whatever - V-day, what? since you don't care about Valentine's Day, forget it exists and do whatever you usually do on Sunday - take a day-long road trip just because - organize your life. take the day and devote it organizing and purging what you don't need/want