Travel iPhone Apps :: 2010 Guide
This installment of Travel iPhone Apps is a special edition given the 2010 Winter Olympics are only 4 days away! Since many people will travel to Vancouver in person or vicariously through their TVs, 3 billion viewers are expected to watch the 2010 Olympics. With this in mind, I thought the 2010Guide would be a worthwhile and timely app to feature!
Released just days before the games begin Feb. 12, the 2010Guide iPhone app is more than just an "official spectator guide", rather a multi-faceted tool everyone from anywhere can use. I have downloaded the app and it's bound to be my go-to, hand-held Olympic info hub.
2010Guide App Details
- free
- real-time results for sporting events
- location-aware schedule + list for more than 2000 sport and cultural events with filtering
- list of all cultural Olympiad events with option to purchase tix
- maps to over 80 venues + how to get there
- updated throughout the game
- adapts to your timezone
- schedule works without data connection
- Olympic News
- medal counts
- photos and videos
- twitter streams
HINT - if you follow @2010tweets on Twitter you can get info about last-min tix releases for those oh-so-alluring events like gold medal!
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