Healthy on the Road :: Break Routine, Not Activity
Keeping active while travelling will bring you home feeling refreshed and ready to get back into your regular routine!
Don't Let Travel Sabotage your Exercise Efforts Whatever your reason for travel may be–-business or pleasure--it is safe to say that routine is tossed out the window, and more often than not, exercise goes with it. Whether you regularly exercise, or intend to start, travel can sabotage your efforts…but it doesn’t have to be that way! Unfortunately, when we toss exercise, we are also saying farewell to great energy, reduced stress level, clear thinking, good circulation, good mood, refreshing sleep…you catch my drift.
Inactivity Does Not Lead to Refreshment Routine is important and definitely has a place in our lives, but the reality is, we all get bored if we keep doing the same thing; however, inactivity does not lead to refreshment…in fact, if you don’t engage in some physical activity, you will likely return home tired and daunted by the idea of starting up your exercise routine again.
Transportable Exercise So …how about not stopping? How about embracing a style of exercise that is different, doable, fun, and transportable? How about having an array of options rather than a rigid routine that requires your regular gym, or trainer, or specific pieces of equipment? It doesn’t need to be a battle. It can be fun and invigorating. It could involve doing your regular, favourite activities in a different environment, or it could involve trying something completely new.
So, staying true to the importance of foresight (highlighted in last month’s post), here’s an idea for you: before setting off on your next trip, make a list of activities you could do at your destination, to engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity (get a mild sweat going) or 60 minutes of light activity (e.g. strolling), each day you are away. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Walk whenever you can. You will need more than flip flops…pack your sneakers.
- Purchase a pedometer before you go and simply be conscious of gathering the recommended number of daily steps (10,000) over the course of your day (no need to do anything more).
- Choose excursions which involve physical activity.
- PLAY – tennis, body surf, volleyball, dance…have fun!
- Swim…don’t forget to throw a cap, goggles and appropriate swimwear into your bag.
In the months to come, our Healthy on the Road series will take a closer look at some of these ideas. In the meantime, make that list, choose what appeals to you, or speak with a personal trainer about designing a program for you to take on the road.
[Stay tuned for more Healthy on the Road posts on the first Thursday of every month, written by our resident expert, Leah Munday, owner of]