Travel iPhone Apps :: CameraBag
Reading travel photographer Jeff Pflueger's piece in World Hum about the web-enabled photography revolution confirmed that I must suggest the following iPhone Travel App that I already love and use! CameraBag is a photo filter app that tweaks and distorts pics 12 different ways. It's so popular, it also has a desktop version for those who can't get enough of the magazine, cinema, instant, colorcross, etc... filters. One reviewer notes "a great way to salvage the useless camera on the iPhone." You decide, the price won't set you back much.
CameraBag App Details
- $1.99
- works with iPhone, iTouch and iPad
- take a photo or select a photo
- toggle though the views to see which one best presents the pic
- save the pic in multiple styles and share
Filter Examples
Here is a llama pic I shot at Machu Picchu. The original is on the top left. A sample of CameraBag's 12 filters is below.
* original, lolo, mono,
* instant, cinema, colorcross
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