Blog — Trip Styler

Travel iPhone Apps :: Trip Advisor

trip advisor appYay and f-i-n-a-l-l-y!  After much anticipation, Trip Advisor launched its first iPhone App last Tuesday.  Now you can access "the world's most trusted travel site's" mammoth offering of user-generated reviews, as well as book hotels and flights in-app. I have a love/hate relationship with Trip Advisor.  I love and value the reviews from smart, savvy travel 'advisors,' but strongly dislike the reviews from bent-out-of-shape travelers who just want to rant.  However, I recognize that a site with thousands of daily reviews is bound to have a few bad apples in the bunch.  Either way, I'm a big fan and am very excited about the app!

Find Trip Styler's Trip Advisor reviews here!

Trip Advisor App Details

  • free
  • works with iPhone, iTouch and iPad
  • access millions of user-generated reviews of hotels, restaurants, attractions, etc...
  • add your own review
  • formatted for 20 countries and 13 languages
  • find and book flights
  • get directions using GPS for walking, driving or public transport

Other Travel iPhone Apps we’ve Reviewed

Not all Layovers are Created Equal Marathon Ever ran a marathon through JFK, Heathrow or Hong Kong's International Airport?  I have, unintentionally. It's much easier running marathons with workout gear, Gatorade stands and cheering fans versus fully clothed, parched and stressed.

A Sweaty Flight Earlier this year, I arrived at my flight to Istanbul sweaty---awesome way to start a flight---thanks to my race through Heathrow. I didn't give myself enough time. I learned my lesson after begging the Turkish Airways check-in agents to re-open the desk and respectfully dodging the 100-person-long security line-up, followed by a brisk 30 min run from security to my flight---and that's not even half the story.

Not all Layovers are Equal Travel professionals know that not all layovers are created equal. If you're a DIY traveler booking your flight path online, you may not know the ins and outs of layover planning. It's not worth risking a slightly earlier arrival at your destination to try and beat the system of deplaning, customs, baggage and security. If you're about to book an international trip online, heed the timing recommendations below.

Layover Timing Recommendations Small Regional Airports - allow 1.5 hours Domestic Airports - allow 2 hours International Airports - allow 2.5 hours Multi-Terminal International Airports - allow 3 hours


  • Bigger, multi-terminal airports provide more opportunities for delays
  • What are the security regulations for each leg of your flight? For example, Israel's immigration is known for very thorough questioning, so being at the airport at least 3 hours in advance is essential.
  • Are you transferring to the same or a different carrier?
  • Where are you going?

[photo by chadmagiera]

Go-To Carry-On Toiletries

go-to carry-on toiletries In carry-on luggage, space is at a minimum. And really, who wants to take up valuable luggage 'real estate' with large deodorants, big toothbrushes or bulky creams for 'this' and 'that.'

To maximize clothing and shoe space, here are the go-to mini toiletries I keep on-hand for every trip near and far:

Ladies - fold-able toothbrush & mini toothpaste - mini deodorant - mini perfume - face wash wipes (these don't count as 'liquid') - general wipes (for sanitizing when you're out & about) - pre-packaged nail polish wipes (just in case) - mini face cream for night - mini sunscreen/day cream or sunscreen wipes (i like dermalogica wipes) - mini hairspray - mini brush - mini comb - razor (forget shaving cream) - tweezers - make-up [cover up, powder, blush, mascara, eye shadow, liner, lip stick] - vaseline (a go-to eye make-up remover, eye brightener/cream, lip gloss, moisturizer) *remember to put all liquids, including mascara, into a zip lock and take it out of your bag before it goes into the security scanner.

Men - foldable toothbrush & accompanying toothpaste - mini deodorant - mini cologne - face wash (although, you'll prob just user water or the hotel soap) - mini face cream for night (yes men, you should be using this) - mini sunscreen/day cream - mini hair styling cream - mini comb - razor - tweezers

[photo my own]

Travel Trend :: Free Communication

free communications We used to send messenger pigeons. Then we wrote letters. Then we used tin cans connected by a wire. Then we made collect phone calls.  Then we sent faxes. Then we sent emails. Then we updated our facebook status.  Then we tweeted. Then we called for free. Wow!

People long to connect, especially while abroad. Whether it's chatting with locals or updating our friends and family back home, we are constantly sending and receiving messages.

Communicating internationally used to come at a big cost. Now it doesn't. Here's how to communicate for free while traveling:

On your Computer

  • Skype: download skype, then talk, video chat, text and leave voice messages for free with other skype users. Want to call someone who's not a skype user, no problem, you're simply charged a minimal fee.
  • Google Voice: Direct your phone calls to one master telephone number from whichever phone you want, wherever you may be... keeping the calls local for your peops! (not yet available in Canada)
  • Google Talk: Google's instant messaging service also has chatting, video and voice mail function
  • MSN: if you've still got friends who use MSN's instant messaging, you can take it to the next level and call them through the service.

*note that all of these services are dependent on a good wifi connection *if your computer doesn't have a built in microphone, or you don't want the rest of the lobby patrons to talk to your grandma, you'll need a headset with mic

On your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad There are multiple apps that offer free chit-chatting on your iPhone, but one of the best and easiest is Skype. It's a free and allows you to make free calls to other Skype users as long as you are connected to wifi. (Note... until the new iPhone OS 4.0 comes out, turn off all notifications prior to making a skype call to ensure your call isn't disconnected).

Yep, you can turn the iPod Touch into a phone. I've done it! Simply attach a headset and follow the same directions as above.  You may need 3.0+ OS for this... but it's well worth the upgrade.

Your iPad also has a built-in microphone and speakers... but if you want to keep your convo private then use a headset.

On your Android Phone If you've concluded that Google is God and Apple is the devil and are rocking a droid-powered phone, then you too can download the Skype app, assuming your phone has wifi capabilities.

On your Blackberry Download the Skype app for your Blackberry, so you too can make free calls like all your cool friends with iPhones. Just remember to enable your wifi and disable your cell network connection if you want to avoid data and voice roaming charges.

On your Cell/Mobile (not free, but cheap)

  • you'll need to buy or rent an unlocked GSM tri- or quad-band phone & SIM card (purchased online or in your destination)
  • talk and text with local rates (make sure you're on the correct plan for your needs!)
  • note that your phone # will correspond with your SIM card

With all this talk of free communication, the irony is, the lost art of letter writing is making a comeback.  Maybe messenger pigeons will too?

Apps the Next Guidebook?

appsApps are changing the way we travel one download at a time.  I *love* travel guide books, but compared to apps, they are like phone books -- you have to flip through a bunch of pages to find the info you're looking for. In contrast, apps are immediate, not to mention the bonus updates  they automatically download so the info remains fresh and you don't need to buy a new edition. Example Here's an example of how apps are changing the way we travel.  Let's say you're going to Europe for a summer getaway.  Here's what you might bring:

guide books10 YEARS AGO One big guidebook or several country-specific ones, a language-learning tape or CD, walkman or diskman, tapes or CDs, foreign language dictionary/phrase book, airline tix, hotel & rental car confirmations, books, newspaper, maps, itinerary, mobile phone, camera

NOW One iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad will give you: country guides, museum tours, language guides, tube or metro maps, country maps, gps, airline or car rental apps to show boarding passes or car rental confirmations, trip itinerary, postcard app, books, newspaper, web browser, camera (for iPhone), photo editing, music player, TV/movie player, email client, etc...

Other than clothes, it seems like the only thing you can't bring with you on your iPhone is your passport, although I'm sure that's coming. There's also the battery issue, but if it gets drained, you'll have to rely on your ability to talk to strangers, rely on people and travel like its 1999.

[photos by ben atkin & barnacles hostels]