Travel Apps :: BorderWait
Travel between Canada and the US often? Gone are the days when the radio was the only border wait time resource. Now, you can get info about the major US-Canada border crossings on-demand with the BorderWait app.
If you don't want to pay $0.99 for BorderWait, you can also find the information on twitter! Just in time for cross-border summer travel, the Canadian Border Services Agency has launched a pilot program posting border wait times on twitter. Here's a list of major Canada/US border crossings' hash tags. For those in Vancouver/Seattle, Pacific Highway crossing's tag is #CBSA_PCH, and the Douglas (Peace Arch) crossing's tag is #CBSA_DPA. Another resource for dual-direction border wait times is @News1130radio.
As I was re-familiarizing myself with the details of BorderWait (which I use and love), I came across another similar app called BorderTimes. The best parts: it's free and provides specific info on passenger, nexus and commercial lanes, as well as number of lanes open, border hours and time of last update. I just downloaded it!
BorderWait App Details
- $0.99 (used to be free, now they charge)
- works with iPhone, iTouch, iPad (no word on when similar Blackberry or Android apps will be developed)
- access the most recent wait times at vehicle crossings on the Canadian/American border
- provides maps to help you find your way to the closest crossing
*If you have an Android phone you can download the WSDOT app for northbound Canadian border wait times, among other things.
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