Travel Apps :: Frommer's Travel Tools — Trip Styler

Travel Apps :: Frommer's Travel Tools

frommers travel tools appI love all-in-one apps like Kayak that seem to do it all. Another all-in-oner is Frommer's Travel Tools app---of Frommer's Travel Guide Book Fame---combining a multi-function converter, flashlight, self-populated packing list, travel trivia, city guides and postcard sharing. But perhaps this intelligent app's piece de resistance is the tipping calculator allowing you to calculate a tip on any amount up to 25%, as well as split the tip up to 10 ways.  I love how the tipping guide goes a step beyond the math of tipping and provides info about each country's different practices, so you can travel (and tip) intelligently versus commit a foreign faux pas. Frommer's Travel Tools App Details

  • free
  • works with iPhone, iTouch, iPad; no word on Blackberry or Android platforms

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