[trip style = any]
Ever since I started Trip Styler in 2009, I've dabbled in quick hotel room workouts to keep up my cardio and strength while I'm traveling. Whether I'm jetsetting solo, with Mr. Trip Styler, or with the TS fam, my time is tight, which is why I'm pumped up about my friend Catherine's 10-minute, no-equipment, high-intensity workout. Designed to give the body a boost, this mini sweat-session is ideal for your bedroom or your hotel room.
Why am I featuring this workout? If you're going to take anyone's advice on travel fitness, it should be Catherine's. With a degree in neuroscience, an enviable career as a travel and food writer, and 15 years as a personal trainer, fitness instructor, wellness speaker, and park ranger, this renaissance woman lives wellness both at home and when she's away. To find out more about her approach to the science of health, happiness and productivity, check out The Life Delicious.
*Do the following 11 exercises for 30 seconds each.
*Take a 15-second rest in between each exercise.
*Warm up for two minutes by marching on the spot while alternating between forward- and backward-circling arms.
*Remember: For each exercise keep your abs engaged {aka: suck in your belly button}; spine elongated; chest lifted; shoulders back; and traps, neck and jaw relaxed.
10-Minute Hotel Workout
1. Jumping jacks
*Land as softly as possible, absorbing the shock to protect your joints.
2. Push-ups
*Whether you're pushing up from your knees or toes, focus on distributing the weight evenly through your palms and fingers.
3. Lateral hops
*Pay attention to your foot and ankle position throughout this exercise. Land with a strong ankle and engaged foot; weight evenly distributed between the heel, base of the big toe and outside edge of your foot. Powerfully swing your arms in the direction of movement to help propel you from side to side.
4. Tricep dips
*Do this exercise on the floor, or make it more challenging by placing your hands on a secure ledge or chair to increase the range of motion. Don't let your shoulders creep up toward your ears.
5. Squat jumps
*Get nice and low {like you're compressing a spring}, and use both arms and legs to shoot yourself straight up as high as you can go. Pay close attention to your alignment on the descent, landing softly with equal pressure around the periphery of each foot.
6. Dynamic lunges
*Begin in a lunge position with both knees at 90 degrees. Spring straight up into the air, switching legs at your highest point, and landing softly with both feet at the same time.
7. Superman
*Start laying flat on your front. Push your pelvis into the ground as you slowly lift your upper and lower body up in unison.
8. Run with high knees
*Powerfully drive your opposite hand and knee up into the air as you run on the spot.
9. Plank with knee tucks
*Engage every muscle from head to toe as though you were a rigid board. Alternate bringing your right knee to your right elbow and your left knee to your left elbow.
10. Burpees
*Begin with knees slightly bent and arms recoiled behind you. In one continued motion, jump straight up into the air landing in a deep squat, and immediately place your hands on the ground right in front of your feet shooting your legs straight back into a plank position. Do a push-up and at the top of the movement, jump your feet back behind your hands, and then pounce straight up into the air as high as you can.
11. Russian twists
*Sit on the ground, lean back slightly, suck your belly button in, contract your rectus abdominis, and lift your feet off the ground. Hold this engaged core position as you twist to look over your left shoulder and then over your right shoulder.
[photos via @LifeDelish]